Haxe React native development stack

Tech stack for mobile apps with Haxe, Redux and React native

View the Project on GitHub zabojad/haxe-react-native-stack

React native in the stack

This part of the documentation assumes that you are already familiar with React Native. If not, please take some time to learn about it on the official React Native documentation.

Version of React native supported in the stack

The current version of the stack has been designed with React native >= 0.57.x. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work with other versions of RN but it is just here to tell what version of RN we recommend for a use with the stack.

Haxe and React native

To use RN with Haxe, we once again need externs. Those externs are provided by haxe-react-native.

Its API follows closely the original RN API:


import react.ReactComponent;
import react.ReactMacro.jsx;
import react.native.api.*;
import react.native.component.*;

class MyApp {
    public static function main() {
        var projectName = 'AwesomeProject';
        AppRegistry.registerComponent(projectName, function() return Home);

class Home extends ReactComponent {
    override function render() {
        return jsx('
                <Text>Hello world!</Text>

Note that this stack uses some libs for RN that have a strong footprint on the code base like the RN navigation. Please check the related part of the doc.